'Hesketh' was rescued on 17th April after being found lying out in the daytime outside a works facility. She was severely traumatised and aborted her babies late that evening. Not a great photo as she had shut down and I didn't want to cause her further stress. I hoped with a bit of TLC she would rally round in a few days.
Update: Hesketh did well and soon recovered from her ordeal. She was released back into the wild on the evening of 5th May.
'Fly' was rescued recently after being found out during the daytime in a car park. He was panicking, running round and round in circles. He is not in the best of condition and must have been struggling for quite a while. It's early days yet to be sure of a diagnosis but I suspect he may be blind.
UPDATE: Fly also had a tiny puncture wound on his neck which wasn't at first noticeable, and this has turned into a nasty abscess. He is now on appropriate antibiotics to treat this and his condition has improved.
All Rights Reserved | The Lancashire Hedgehog Care Trust | Designed by the LHCT Trustees and Care Centre Manager