Blog Layout

March 2022


This very large female was admitted following nest disturbance.  A hedge was being removed on Thornton Industrial Estate when her nest was discovered.  It wasn't possible for her to stay there as there was no cover so she was brought to the Rescue Centre.  She was in a tight ball and still in hibernation but it was noticed that she had cut spines on her head suggesting she been strimmed in the past.  She was very lucky though as the strimmer had only cut her spines and there were no wounds.  Impy will remain here until she is out of hibernation and can then be released when the weather is warmer.


Nettie was rescued after being found entangled in netting.  She was unresponsive and in a bad way.  Its possible she had been trapped for a long time and with the nights very cold her body had shut down.  She was given replacement fluids and placed on a heat mat, but despite the emergency care she was given she did not survive.

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